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Policies and Services

Collection Development Policies

Selection Priorities

  1. Materials with an academic purpose relating to the courses offered by the college.
  2. Materials requested by the faculty.
  3. Materials required by academic programs which are accredited by outside bodies.
  4. Materials borrowed by library patrons via interlibrary loan.

Selection Criteria

  1. Accuracy
  2. Cost
  3. Currency
  4. Accessibility
  5. Appropriateness
  6. Diversity
  7. Physical Condition


  1. Once materials are donated to the library, they become library property.
  2. The library staff will apply the above selection criteria in deciding whether or not to retain donated materials.
  3. Items not retained by the library will be disposed of or given to the public.
  4. Donated textbooks may be added to the collection if still considered current by relevant faculty. The library does not actively collect textbooks. 


Items may be discarded from the collection for failure to meet the following standards:

  1. Currency: Materials that are outdated or may have been superseded by a subsequent edition.
  2. Physical condition: Materials that have deteriorated physically to the point where they are unusable.
  3. Appropriateness: Materials no longer applicable nor suitable to a community & technical college library collection.
  4. Use: Materials that are not used enough to justify retention.
  5. Erroneous information: Materials that present false or misleading information.


The Director of Library Services consults instructors in those disciplines under review for advice regarding the withdrawal of material. ​The Director of Library Services shall approve the final disposal of all weeded library materials. ​


Revised December 2022